What I was trying to figure out is how can you check if a table (or a div) that has a parent div with CSS overflow:auto applied to it and has started to horizontally scroll with JavaScript/jQuery.
Seems that the scroll() API in jQuery only checks if the event has been triggered and not if it has a visible scroll.
Then I found element.scrollWidth. All I had to do is check if the scroll width is greater than the container width1 and BOOM. Pretty simple when you think about it 🙂
<div> <table> <thead> <tr> <th> Lorem ipsum </th> <th> adhuc maiestatis </th> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td> dolor sit amet, meis solum eam ea, e </td> <td> has ea, alii ipsum necessitatibus ex qui. </td> </tr> </table> </div>
table { border : 1px solid red; white-space: nowrap; width: 100%;} div { border: 1px dashed blue; padding: 10px; overflow: auto; }
window.onresize = function() { if ( $("div").outerWidth() < $("div").get(0).scrollWidth ) { console.log("foo bar scrollbar"); } else { console.log(" no scrolling 🙂 "); } };
Bare in mind that you will need to use a browser that supports log commands to get the scroll message. IE9 and above supports it in the dev tools as does Firebug & Chrome.